I was driving around on a slow day and was listening to Mike Love’s new UNLEASH THE LOVE. I liked it and thought the packing was very clever.
ROLLING STONE liked it too. So then I went to BEACHBOYS.COM/ it is entirely and legally not a connection to the Beach Boys Corporation. This independent website is nearly if not complete. It has all the kinds of information about the band, the albums, and singles and related. The site is run by an A-V person for an elementary school in Utah. Further, he now sings in a prestigious choir.
With the right to free speech, he described the album as poisonous. If you can think of something worse to say about Mr. Love, there isn’t much. He hates him. That’s fine. I like him and enjoyed seeing him in person a number of times. What I like about Mr. Love is that he is a work horse. During some very difficult times, he kept the band together along with Carl and keeps the books.
Beach Boys with originals and compilations is the biggest selling band of American origin. It is still a house hold name. They also have 25#1’s all over the world and 70 top hits in the USA. They are now 55 years old.
Mr. Love’s social skills are sometimes challenged, but he keeps the band alive. At any rate, please give this latest album a look and don’t forget that Brian has a compilation also. It is really good. Incidentally, after BEACHBOYS.COM please see THEBEACHBOYS. COM/ Amazon and E-Bay also have some good choices.