This article addresses the antagonism between science and social sciences. It is suggested that labeling be changed, level of acceptance, and use of number systems be more closely examined. Basically, the soft sciences have a name change and the findings remain at the level of discovery rather than level of verification. The two groups can complement each other.
One might honestly assume that a person who is proficient in Math, Physics, and/or Chemistry would describe the Social Sciences as pseudo science, non-science, numerical humanities, or some other derision. The word “science” is God.
The author will attempt to create a paradigm in which the two (hard and soft science) can come closer and yet remain apart.
A recent book by (Clifton, J. 2022) is a comprehensive world poll on well being and contentment .It is called Blind Spot. The Gallup organization is indicating that numerous statistics are reported to the public about a number of economic and political measures. Thus, a country could report that the economy is in a very good place. However, the general feelings and/or contentment are miserable. Both author and the organizations could help reduce general misery. It is a comprehensive book and is written for the general public. It is also not science.
It does not use ratio numbers. (_______”Ratio”. 2023) Findings are at the discovery rather than verification levels (Zetterberg. H. 1963) Most of the book is filled with rankings. The hard sciences cannot accept it, even though they may never be able to measure general misery themselves. They need help.
Hard sciences or sciences are demanding in using homogenous data and/or statistical interlocking. However, when reporting and researching, they use the behavioral sciences. As an example, on balance what is the most thorough and demanding science field? Let’s say that physics is the answer. That is a rank. Generally, science can only use ratio numbers. If a field is completely science it demands the great discriminator of mathematics. If a report is disseminated to the public, numerous measures that are all composed of ratio numbers, what are the strongest stimuli for cancer? That is a ranking or even a nominal number. What is the worst form of cancer? Do they use equidistant numbers? Do they have an “O” base line? Can they report with equidistant negative numbers?
So is there any linkage between Science and the Behavioral Methodologies? Affirmative. There are nearly 20 respectable sciences that do not use statistics or use very little. (______, “Branches of Science”2023.)
Science cannot measure heterogeneity. One humble statistic Chi-square and the many variations of it can be used in both fields, but can the stat, bring all the measures together like a wine? Ideally, a number can be used to describe society and all of its component parts. Thus, today is a 75. That means what? Do component parts change so that it blurs the overall number?
There are attempts to measure some sub-units together, but it is rather small, although important.
Let’s say that one uses asphalt of all the same substance for a 40’ by 40’ floor. A portion (say a clump of asphalt) on one side can easily be compared to another side. That is homogeneity. Now place 40 people standing on the floor. They are all ages, sexes, and other demographics. There are areas physics can compare, but that is it. What if we had a military platoon and they were as similar as one can imagine. They all had the same demographics?
Physics still cannot measure this heterogeneous group. It is left to the behavorial methodologies. The author is in support of changing social science to behavioral methodologies. From discussion above, the two areas can work together. Grants can still be awarded even when a book like Blind Spot is distributed. For the future, the saintly term of science must go to the homogenous groupings and related statistics (ratio measures.)
The term “science” belongs to the hard sciences. Behavioral Methodologies may become an honored introduction to exploring reality with strong heterogeneity built into the measure and there may be a day when the two become one.
Clifton, Jon (2022) Blind Spot, Washington D.C.
___________(2023) “Ratio”, Wikipedia
___________(2023 “Branches of Science”, Wikipedia
Prof. Joel Charles Snell
Kirkwood College
3105 Alleghany Dr. NE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa