All of this is my beliefs. All of us, have some feeling for death. It is a new departure. If it is the big sleep of atheism or some other activity after death is subject to debate.
Atheist take the leap of faith a higher power does not exist. Agnostics take the leap that nothing can come from revelations or that they are illusions. Believers of all kinds, take a faithful position ranging from heaven for a few or for the many and ultimately for all. This also applies to reincarnation.
If we jump into the arena of a natural observation, we find that plants blossom more so when prayed to. Folks with near death have dream states that range from extremely pleasant to a terrible existence.
Those that code and really die generally see an afterlife based upon their beliefs. Thus Christians see something deal with Jesus and others see some very pleasant feelings. Further, they see many loved ones.
How much more that we know comes from those who were clinically dead for more than a few hours. Many report some very blissful activities.
So how does God intervene? It depends on the theist. For myself, God is beyond words and action. I believe in a God that intervenes, but I don’t know how all this paranormal activity occurs. To say it is mysterious is not what I am getting at. We may know or not know someday. There life appears to be a mix with in which we stumble and fumble toward the light.