One may guess that this relationship between two heterosexual males has been emerging and remerging through out history. Females have a best friend that they can share their inner most secrets, sleep in the same bed, and write letters to each other. Males constricted by their role have had a difficult time understanding; two females who do not have sex with each other are in other ways very physically intimate and emotionally close.
BROMANCE is a strong relationship both physically and emotionally that does not have sex in the relationship. The two males are heterosexual.
Bromance can involve more than two males but three is a crowd. The two can become very emotional with each other and yet be non-sexual. In an expanded version, two gays can have a bromance if both are room mates and both are in search of lovers other than the other friend. It can happen very often with females and yet does not have a name. It can also occur with a female-male as long as there is not a “friends with benefits” clause that involves back up sex. Both could be metro sexual in the sense that the two are very conscientious about their appearance.
Thus, bromance is a non sexual relationship between two persons that do not involve themselves in a sexual tryst. For outsiders, unfamiliar with romance, it appears that the two are lovers and yet that is not the case.
They may write love letters to each other. One may court the other. All kinds of activity of a personal nature emerge except sex. If and when one of the couple marries someone else, the wife or husband is marrying two of the other sex. It can complicate a relationship, but it can also help.
Bromances between two people may start out with sex, but find that it really ruins their relationship and they move away from sexual activity.
It may be that Abraham Lincoln had a bromance and slept with his significant other. Two males sleeping in bed together is not acceptable in non-bromance culture. Females are at first confused by it until they discover that is very little difference from the relationship that they have with another female who is their best friend.
Females who become very, very close can have “affairs of the heart.” The love is transferred verbally, but not sexually. A possible term for females who are close may be
SISMANCE. Or it may be called a bramance.
The beginning of this definition of romance originates with David Carnie, the editor of the late BIG BROTHER “R” rated skateboard magazine later purchased by HUSTLER magazine. Circulation dropped and HUSTLER enterprises terminated the magazine.
BROMANCES do not occur within a father daughter relationship, mother-daughter,
father-son. It may occur between 2 bothers or 2 sisters. Or, it can happen between sister-brother relationships that may emerge. Importantly, no sex occurs. If it does, then bromance is terminated.
A bromance can occur between two who shared a war experience or some other stressful situation and found a very close non-sexual friend. It is not like situational homosexuality in prison. Anytime, sex becomes part of the equation, the bromance is gone.
If bromance continues, there can be a closer relationships between males and if it is accepted a lot less loneliness. The one or the other can be the” go to” person. The two may go out in search of lovers. Again, they can provide emotional support for each other that can happen in stressful situations.
Bromances can also occur across geography. If one moves away, the two remain in constant connection.
The main basis of bromance beyond the caveats is a close relationship between two that is non-sexual but very physical and emotional .There may or may not be an underlying sexual tension, but that may strain the relationship. It has to be platonic.