Buddy died one year ago. He is buried in the woods near our home. He came to our house with his sister. She left a number of months ago.
Buddy climbed a tree and reached over onto the roof of a neighbor. We had to climb up and get him with the help of another neighbor.
He was hit by a car and then we found him in the woods. He was afraid of Scout our other cat. So he would hide all day and then he would stay with us in the bedroom.
After Buddy died, another neighbor helped to bury him. By the time we found him rigor mortis had already swelled within his body.
We have Scout. Within the last year, he has been with us and sometimes sleeps in bed with us. He likes to be cuddled and petted.
We have many animals that come to our front door and we have established a warm little house for them along with food.