Chaos theory analysis is introduced to college campuses, bully-victim, and strategies to calm bully victim behavior. The author borrows from both literature and personal experience with ways to deal with bullies. Scenarios are also introduced. More literature review did not generate more strategies. Roughly 20 are described. The author also introduced through Chaos theory that some form of bullying is necessary in the human condition and social systems
The author will attempt to describe the impact of bullies on the subculture of the college campus and the surrounding environs. If anything, this article will describe behaviors that are so embedded in the “college and universities campuses” (educational systems as conveyed in popular culture) that they may go unidentified or appear to be normal behavior
The reference to “outliers” means that the word transcends the traditional schema of assumed observable behavior. In Chaos theory, it is the hidden dimension or stimuli that is not necessarily noticed, but makes a considerable impact on a system. Snell, J. Cangemi, J. and C. Kowalski ( 2006)
“Bully” means in this article, a person(s) that use untoward aggression to “victims” who are the recipients of this verbal and or physical force. (see below)
The general description of a college campus can be stereotyped from town-gown colleges to online universities. The author has taught at university, liberal arts college, community college, and online for close to 45 years. The descriptions of schools are approximate to underlie the foundational setting of bully-victim behavior.
Bullying can be considered part of the human condition. Sociological conflict theory (Crossman, A. 2015) suggests that real or relative stratification is based on both competition and aggression. A minority holds most of the power and uses it to its advantage. The “alpha” is a talented bully (discussed below) who can fight their way to the top. They then establish a system reflecting their personality or move on to a system that allows for their behavior. The university is a large corporation that does numerous tasks and need persons who can do that task.(_____,2015.) Fear or gentle bullying is necessary according to sociological functionalism to keep production moving and morale high. (________2015)
This form of bullying also needs a contribution of knowledge of the position and social skills to conduct them. Contradictions or role conflict are part of the system. The larger the university, the more likely the school reflects national and state values. At this moment in time, there is a stereotype of very rough reverse correlation between high academic standards and prestige in football and then other sports. Generally speaking, winning games places schools in states with sparse populations or less tourism with more money and familiarity with cable and television populations ( Echols-Luper, 2014.) Students struggle for grades and friends. The Greek fraternity system depends on its prestige attracting wealthy alumni in the years to come to donate huge sums of money. Bullying becomes institutionalized in the “pledge” program for neophytes.(Goldberg, B.,2014)
Perhaps the ideal president can balance athletes with under grad and grad scholars in expensive graduate programs. Cost cutting includes hiring more adjuncts, delaying less attractive majors with classrooms and teachers, muting teacher unions and related. With exceptions a winning president succeeds in many of these tasks. ( Bowles, K. 2013)
Student bullying can mean a pledge program in a Greek system. Fights in down town bars and struggles with neighboring Greeks also occur .( Goldberg, B. 2013) Dorms filled with the unaffiliated can become high rise towers of bullying. Many illegal drugs, pornography, cheating, date rapes and many other “untoward” behavior is part of the bully system that often go unrecognized.(Goldberg, B. 2013)
For Liberals Arts colleges, with a few exceptions, the president is the primary source of raising funds for the school. Many other tasks may belong to the Academic Dean. Dorms, social fraternal societies and eating clubs dominate the campus. Most of the activities discussed above reside here, but in a more muted fashion. Many locals rarely walk on the campus. There may be one bar or related that fills the needs of students. On campus activities are more tame. Usually athletes are congregated on one floor. Bullying among students may be slightly less in most instances than universities. Town-gown struggles means keeping the students under control and encouraging them to purchase from town merchants.(YuPalline, 2005)
Community Colleges tend to have the reverse effect on a city. Numerous activities are on campus and the public is continually invited to one event or another. Small conventions and workshops occur on campus. Locals may take a certification courses. The president generally is the spokesman for the school. A number of characteristics discussed above also exist here, but in different proportions(.______, 2015.) Bullying is more between teacher and student, rather than student and student, and teacher and administration. Night spots are ones frequented by public citizens. Many live at home or commute. Average age of students is older and there is correlation that an aging student is less likely to use the stereotypical bullying behavior.(________,2015)
Online bullying by students may include making remarks about fellow students and some teachers with an anonymous logo. At this time, online cyber bullying is high among lower grades, but colleges and universities, it is growing (Rice, 2013.)
Before we enter defining bullies, please recall that students’ demographics generally are unattached, single, and in an age group where street crime is most likely to occur. Although relational and physical bullying is thought to have increased among women, it is premiere among males.(Bad, 2009) The late teens and early 20’s among males has the most physical consequences. Criminologist use a term “aging out.” This is about 23-25 years of age. Bullying is or can be a part or a special component of aggressive violence. It is the early stages of street fights, attacks, and death (Creative Commons, 2012.)
We will discuss chaos theory later, but want to make the point that bullying is not insular but interwoven into an academic society. Unattached single males may make bullying their successful climb to the top. This is based on the skill they use with this off putting behavior. The foundation of the bully can include successful bullying. ( see “pure” bullies below) In terms of personality the usual bully has a narcissistic disorder. Top bullies have immense self esteem.(Kansas state dept, 2014)
Generally, a recent overview would indicate that bullies and related follow with these definitions. (Olweus, 1978)
1. Aggressive bullies are talented at what they do to victims and have considerable self esteem. 2. Passive bullies have the rational characteristics of insecurity and school and family problems. They act as participants or followers to the aggressive bully.3.Bully victims have been intimidated and convert their anxiety to aggression toward smaller victims. 4. Pure bullies are so subtle in off putting behavior that they become the leaders of the school and they are likely to be popular. The author would like to suggest a 5th type not indicated in the literature. It is the Counter-bully. They generally have the self esteem and talent to openly try by democratic means to change the system, when a chaotic “butterfly” changes the system and without notice produces what was a fair and viable rule to something socially pathological or deviant. As an example, a Counter-bully fights the Greek system from beating, drowning, or killing pledges. The Counter-bully is in no way put with the usual 3 bullies discussed above. Bullies are not heroic, but this one is . They may successfully defend victims.
1. Passive victims are generally ones that do not provoke bullies. There is an accidental encounter or some other situation that introduces the bully to a new target. The victim suffers.2. Provocative victim look the part and without knowing it, encourage the aggression toward them.3. Bully victims, please see the above.4. Vicarious victims consciously feel anxiety about the values and incidence of bullying system at a school.5.False victims complain about victimhood for attention getting.6. Bystanders avoid victims and bullies.
This means that the school may tolerate certain untoward behavior for the sake of the name and prestige of their system. What was described above is usually the stuff of school behavior and various strategies are used or avoided by the administration Please recall that colleges and universities are a subculture to a larger culture of their state and country. Students may come from many different places. Not all students are similar nor are they equally talented.
“Outliers” or “iterations” are usually subtle hidden stimuli or “butterflies” that can allow those portions of subtle bully -victim behavior to blossom in the college system. A literature search did not uncover a paradigm that has been developed for outliers. It may have other names but bully-victim do not usually have a context-definition for the this anti-social behavior. Thus the following may overlap and not fit into an easy paradigm. Many examples are taken from numerous sources.
1. Teacher as bully.
Teacher subtly stalks and desires female or male student. This is repeated. Teacher wins Outstanding Teacher Award. Female victim student drops out of college and attends a new school .Teacher goes on to become U.S. Senator. In this instance, the teacher may stalk or follow the student. They may request the student to come to their office. Over time, it becomes obvious that the teacher is doing a subtle form of bullying. However, the Academic Dean has little to act upon because the teacher is so talented in their bullying and they are a wonderful teacher. Bullying weaves itself in many ways. This is one. Overwhelmingly the students may hear rumors, but dismiss them because the instructor is interesting, knowledgeable, organized, intellectual as well as being friendly. Students want to blame the victim. (For a non-fiction account of teacher bullying, see Ross, 2014.)
2.Teacher as victim.
Faculty interview new president. He is hired based on his wonderful interview and is a tyrant and completely hassles teachers after he is employed. Administrators are demeaned in front of their subordinates. President wants promotion and nearly all the faculty support his leave as he moves up. Although the press may make a comment or two, so many are relieved to get rid of the president that local press does its duty to vaguely cover the issue. Thus the president has successfully accomplished what they wanted without a problem. It may take the faculty a few years to reduce their anxiety and improve morale.
Another example is that a male instructor is accused of trying to bully a student into sex. However, the female is using the stereotype to her advantage. The instructor was foolish enough to be alone with the female student. She wants a good grade and in their first conference she accidentally places her hand on his lap. He must notify the Academic Dean immediately. Most folks including the author will privately blame the middle age instructor over the attractive female student. (See a non-fiction account of a teacher as victim in Hernandez, A.( 2010)
A male is less likely to attempt this strategy because it is impossible to think a female instructor would do this. It is not. However, a male may try to intimidate the instructor with another issue involving numerous falsifications and the instructor must face the consequences. The student is rich, instructor must face Academic Dean immediately. The school wants to remain out of the news services.
3. Student as bully.
Star quarterback fathers numerous children, but it is downplayed by media. Foot ball assistants hover around a complaining teacher as star student has not passed any tests in class and in fact he did not take the tests. Another student took the exams in his place. Course is held in large auditorium so surrogate student can take the exam without being easily identified. Star is needed to push the team to the top of the league. Faculty person feels stifled. He does not have support from other faculty, staff, administration or related. They nearly all want wins in the football games.
4. Student as victim.
Top comedian performs on campus. He uses irony, mild derisions, and related to belittle a group. The students do not laugh. Comedian complains to the press.(_____,2015) Students have been taught and strongly encouraged not to make fun of groups and alleged group behavior. Politically correct speech is still with us, because terminology is still alive according to President Obama (2015)
There a number of references at the end of this article to cover some of the most difficult issues. Please see the standard descriptions.
The following come from sources obtained over the decades by the author in the classroom. It will be followed by other sources to reduce bullying. (Snell, 2010)
1. Prepare lengthy syllabus. The syllabus is there to terrify the bully, but calm regular students. Details include a number of features, all which are reviewed by Academic Dean.. Syllabus has an “ethical disclaimer.” It states that the student must know the material in the book and class, but do not have to believe it. Ultimate moral questions such as the age of the earth, with secular measures, but the student does not have to believe them. Further, the student may want to contact their clergy. They must decide. In this incident, the book is the ultimate source. Unless it is overturned by some unpredictable event.
2 . All relevant material to contact the professor is in the syllabus. The teacher may not be required to give home phone and address. However all other contacts are fine. The professor may use audio and visual technology to cover the class. The student may want to do the same. Local laws indicate what is salient as well as the Academic Dean’s decision is strongly relevant. Visuals of teaching statements can be disastrous to the career of the teacher, but also monitor bully behavior.
3. If the teacher over hears or the student confers with student relative to illegal behavior, the teacher does not have constitutional protection of other authority figures and will testify against the student. If possible, wear new upscale/ high authority clothing the first week. Make a warm but firm presentation. . Add work load at the end of the syllabus. Bullies don’t like to work. Have 4 book reviews, rather than one paper. On the first report, go with students to library/ media center and look at the article. Give them the necessary acceptance. By this time, the first month may have gone by. Now drop the other 3 reports. On the first report, go over the entire paper with the student. By now they cannot have purchased a book report. Have technology in front of you to look up the validity of the paper if needed.
4. Students cannot speak out of turn more than three times. After that they are put on independent study, they will do essay exams the last week of the semester. Students cannot bring weapons to school. However, if state law gives the 2nd amendment privileges to students, the gun must be visible to teacher. Instructors should be able to carry a weapon. List on the syllabus indicates how to get a tutor, how to take an exam, and where the health center is located. Make bold print statement. If student being bullied, comes to the office of the instructor, they will send the student to the proper authorities. (Snell, 2015)
Pagiaro, M. (2011) indicates that there over 11,000 research articles that have been published on the topic of bullying. This author introduces a number of salient resources , papers or articles.
Van Brunt ( 2010) suggest strategies that the professor can use in the classroom in which bullying is reduced. If his approach proves viable, others can use it and a sense of community calms both bully and victim. He indicates that you must be pro-active, keep calm, meet privately with bully, meet privately with victim, and pass material narrative (carefully written and dated) to administrative officials.
Bad, Mary (2009) adds dismissal , counseling services, campus security. Even sleeping is disillusioning to other students So this is bully behavior. Wake them up. However, do not literally throw a text book at them which was fashionable at one time. Have them stand up and give money to buy caffeine. The student may be on strong pain or anti-psychotic drugs through no fault of their own. This makes them sleep. One can also deliver the lecture by standing near the student and moving around them. (Snell, 1970.)
Allen, K.(2010) poorly organize presentations appear to correlate with bullying as does disorganized classroom. Both can be changed and improved.
Rosen, L (2013) adds an additional review of studies on calming bully behavior. All are mentioned above. Although there are other strategies, it is the author’s belief that much has been covered in the above. However, there is other lists or strategies that deal with bullying on the campus. This was not incorporated.
The author has tried to define and illustrate how subtle and impactful bully behavior may be. He has also suggest one of many ways to reduce this troubling behavior. Bullying and counter- bullying is part of the human condition. It is sometimes called by sociological functionalist as latent or hidden behavior. The rules are establish to reduce bullying with another for counter-bullying to make a social system possible. There are roughly twenty (20) strategies listed in this article.
After all arrangements are established, chaos theory will suggest that another disruption is likely to occur, perhaps because of an incident or decision made at the other end of the country relative to one’s school because social systems like schools are demanding and ever moving. Further, they may be triggered by a faraway stimuli. It should be remembered the attending school has the main feature of learning, but hundreds of other rules are implied to absorbing and incorporating of information.
A “bully” is only one part of an institution as it spirals. However, it can impact numerous other struggles that may go beyond immediate visibility in a college society. They are slightly visible and not entirely understood in the synthetic intermixture of the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.
Allen. (2010) Classroom Management Bully and Teacher Practice, Professional Management, Bully and Teacher Practice, Professional Educator. Org.
Bad, M. (2009) Managing Disruptive Students in the College Campus, Faculty Focus, Magna Publications.
Bowles, K.,(2013) The President’s Many Roles Inside Higher Education, July 1.
Greigby, S Lupor, E. (2014) College Football Top 25, Ranked by Top 25, Rank by Academics, Time.com
Olweus, D. (1978) Aggression in Schools :Bullies and Whipping Boys, Washington DC: Hemisphere.
Plagiaro. M. (2011) Managing a Bully in a College Classroom, Lanham, Maryland: Rowan and Littlefield
Rosen, L.(2013) Civility/Incivility in College Classroom Office of Management and Development, East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Ross, J. (2014) The Bullies in the Classroom The Blog of Huffington Post,
Snell, J.; Cangemi, J.; and C. Kowalski,(2008) Social Essays on Chaos Theory. Boston: McGraw Hill
Snell, J. up to (2010) strategies used and tested in the classroom at Dana College, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Kirkwood College (both classroom and online.)
Snell, J.(2015) this last sentence has not been tested.
Van Brunt,B. (2010) Bully Behavior in the College Classroom, Magnapubs, 2-2.
_______, 2013 Grown up bully Counseling Today, CT. Counseling.org.
______. (2015), University” Dictionary.com
_______,(2015) Are you a bully?, Education World.Com
__________(2014) Statement and Responses on Bullying, Threatening, and Other Forms of Disruptive Behavior, New York University.
________(2012) Age and Sex, Books, Lardbucket.Org,Creative Commons,
________(2014) Personality, Narcistic Disorder, BullyOnline, org.
________(2012) Age and Sex, Books, Lardbucket.Org,Creative Commons,
________(2014) Personality, Narcistic Disorder, BullyOnline, org.