I am taking this seriously and I hope that you are too. Throughout the ages females dressed to be seen and lusted. Boys wore clothes as a defender and principal head of a couple. However, as women get more power and money SOME WOMEN may want a male that looks more like what she sexually desires.
Males dress to be an authority over other males. An alpha male is constantly pushing other contenders away. Dress will probably be arranged to defend that authority. Beta males may be free to become slightly more free to explore, but not too free. Of course there are exceptions such as performing in a glam rock band and related. However, the question here is something that can be tolerated and attractive to straight females. It is the equivalent of the girl “tomboy” in the media and on the street. Women are free to nearly round the circle when it comes to clothes. That goes from fem to butch.
So how can a male perhaps with more restrictions might have more freedom without attracting aggression from other males and verbal aggression from straight traditional females. As I am not a girl or female, the following are guesses. It is the liberal straight female that should make the designs. For gay males and other variations, this exercise is not for you. It does not mean that you are not interested and are invited to come along.
Here is one idea. A teen age male wears a bikini swim suit. It looks like this. The strap is taut and strong and it goes around his body. Another strap is perpendicular to the original strap and it goes through the back buttocks and up to a small patch that covers the genital. The patch covers the genital, but a small padding pushes the scrotum outward. Further, the padding is also placed at the tip of the organ. The overall effect is the appearance of a larger genital and full view of the buttocks. So what do you think? It assumes that the male is trim.
A second idea is that both shirts and sport coats have a tiny push up padding at the point of nipples. He looks to have bigger chest muscles without looking like man boobs. The stigma of the second outward push on the chest is related to heavy and aging males.
This can go on and on . However, the main purpose is not to put the male in drag which in reverse fashion is open to females. Rather to add to clothing of men who want to attract women. It could also be used for gay men, but the envelope could be pushed even further.
This short note assumes that most males will wear variations of what they are wearing at this time. Does he or doesn’t he have these extras? Only a few know.