PICCALO/ THE WEEK (2009) 10/16
Here is a paradox. You are going to see a movie. Most of it is about plot and dialogue. However, there are a few sex scenes.
However, the sex is simulated and not real. That is what acting is all about. If an actor is a good one, you forget about them as a person and they take on the character. If you watch a fake sex scene(s) they make take hours to complete. In real life,
hours and hours of sex is not as likely.
The actors must try to make you believe that the act is real although you know and they know that it is not. If it is real than
That is hardcore pornography or soft-core pornography. Erotica is as if sex is happening. Further, as you are attracting a
Non-porn audience, you can not offend them. They must know that what appears to be real is not real even though the
Director and actors are trying to make it seem real.
The actors are generally covered with a cup or tape covering over their genitals. Both genitals of the sexes may be
Seen, but there are a number of rules about the state arousal. For erotic it is best not show genitals, when you see frontal
nudity of a female, you are not seeing her genital. That is further below. Body doubles are often used to improve the effect.
Actors have lives outside of the movies. Most have not done porn. When the actual scene takes place, it takes a long time
Because it is important to get a camera angle that appears authentically real which of course it is not. So if the person is attached or they are married, various strategies are used. A set may have as few people as possible during the sex scene
however it may include the wife or husband or mate. Or, the mate never sees the movie. Their kids will probably see it some time and that will be hard for them.
Unfortunately, if the movie is done on a remote location, romances develop and may break up a marriage or long term
relationship. One may not be gay but they are going to play one. The reverse is true. Remote locations mean a lot of down time, and that is where actors become attached to each other. However, when they get back in the real world, the relationship withers, but it can have a terrible impact on relatives and friends.
Further, close encounters engender your involuntary system that generally with some exceptions works all the time. So a kiss is sometimes not just a kiss and testosterone flurries in both sexes as well as oxytocin. Thus sex scenes are tough on everyone.
The best strategy is the one where the actors talk before hand about the arousal and attraction of the acting and then try to return the relationship as before. That means that both actors can talk about things that would not go right if they were to continue the relationship.
While the audience may be aroused or more attentive, the actors are tense. Not only is the audience watching which means that actors have them in the back of their mind, there are also people just behind the camera. And so fake can make real a real problem.
23/ How do you save your child from an auto accident, control the keys to the car.
With the usual protocols, spanked children and non-spanked kids were compared on IQ and how they develop.
Those that were not spanked improve their IQ’s.
10/ this is a heart breaker for boomers of a certain political stripe. Joan Baez dated Bob Dylan. She was disappointed
That he didn’t believe in what he was singing about. He was too cynical. Thus, the songs and related was a way for him
to make money and lots of it.