U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT (2008) 5/5
This new book details the life of one of the most powerful presidents in the United States and one of the most liked. FDR got us through the depression and our entrance into World War 2 got us out of the depression.
FDR was surrounded by powerful women and the most powerful of them all was his mother. Most of the public did not know that Roosevelt could not walk because of paralysis. He got polio at his summer home at Campobello.
He went from being a lawyer to Governor of New York. However, the majority of his money came from the estate that was managed by his mother Sara. So when Franklin married Eleanor, she was against it. However, she wanted her son married and thus the stormy marriage began.
After a time, he met a striking attractive lady named Lucy Rutherford Mercer. Franklin misleads Eleanor on a number of occasions that he was doing one thing when he was really seeing Lucy. Franklin was soon found out and Eleanor banned him from her bed.
Franklin wanted a divorce, but his mother Sara would not hear of it. And so the marriage became a sham although FDR secretly and openly admired Eleanor for her brains and her convictions.
However, when it was time, he saw Lucy. She was also there when he died. In the mean time, FDR was able to marshal forces to help beat Hitler and got America through one of its worse depression of the 20th century His radio fire side chats were numerable and his ability to garner the trust of the country were considerable. His New Deal lasted from 1932 to Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in 1968.
NEWSWEEK (2008) 4/28
We are running out of water in a number of states including the south, south west, mountain region, and pacific coast. The aquifers under ground are running dry due to overpopulation, overuse of land, and the attrition of underground water. What to do?
For coastal cities desalinated water can serve urban areas. The other major sources are to price water so that it is more expensive and consumers will cut their use, re-landscape yards, and use run off water from rain and dirty water that can be recycled. All the above can be done and can use American labor force. It can not be outsourced.