Most studies indicate that the public say that want less sex and yet desire it in the privacy of their homes. Further, red light districts, adult shops, hotel adult films prosper. The Christian Right and others want to crack down. Others are fighting the Smut squad. This includes the American Chamber of Commerce, American Picture Association, Travel lodging association, and others.
One bit of legislation is that individuals who commit actual sex acts or simulated sex acts must be certified. There is another law to restrict hard core with three strikes legislation.
Child pornography already has strict legislation.
How about this? Like cable, you must request soft or hard porn. All else has been censored on cable. Sex acts are deleted. Laws also apply to violent sex, animal sex, and snuff.
The cable laws apply to DVDs and VHS. You can only rent erotica (very soft non-exploitive movies.)
On the internet, most sex URL’s must be registered with a special password requested by the consumer to a federal agency.
The FCC has changed and a new head is much more effective and diplomatic. Female erotica is the only material acceptable on standard cable, or any other distribution. These can also be deleted with the remote.