Every year, Cedar Rapids along with many other cities have a time for one to play in one’s own city. Since 1988, Cedar Rapids has numerous activities for citizens to do from late June to early July.
Some of the more amusing and not expensive are the following:
PET PARADE- in the instance you get to march with your dog or related in a parade. The dog must be on a leash and bystanders can enjoy the awesome ability to see your dog march in the parade.
CARDBOARD BOAT RACE- you read that right. The cardboard must be able to hold numerous individuals and float. Well some don’t get across the lake. Soon the participants are in the water. That is the fun part.
MICRO-BOAT RACE- kids blow on small card board little boats that have tiny make shift sails. The little boats must make it around the circle of water. The one with the fastest time wins something.
Folks only in Iowa does this kind of thing happen. Well, that is probably not true, but it happens in Iowa. Eastern Iowa is really the beginning of the great lakes, we are close to Wisconsin and Minnesota and the kids in those states are all above average. Iowa is still so tranquil and pretty that some Iowegians thought up FREEDOMFEST and it is really fun. It is also “G” rated. Go figure. It ain’t heaven, its Iowa.