Gerry Thomas died on July 18. According to his obit, he was the inventor and father of the Swanson TV dinner. Rather than cook an entire meal, in the early 50’s you popped one of these dinners in an oven and you quickly had a meal to enjoy. TV dinners are something many enjoy or tolerate.
What is important is that Thomas did not invent it. He just lied about it and got the fame for it. It does not matter that many industry specialists and other familiar with the subject say that Thomas was lying. He invented it in Omaha, Nebraska one cold winter in 1950. Swanson had extra meat in a rail car and Thomas invented the TV dinner to so that the meat could be used up without spoiling. In Nebraska, cold weather can turn very warm, very fast.
No, the winter was cold and stayed cold. Thomas did not do what he said he had done. At least one reporter bought the story and thus other reporters assumed that Thomas’s version was correct. From there, the story took on a life of its own.
Yes, you can be famous too. In fact, you don’t have to create such a big whopper. Perhaps, you were at the concert where Ozzy Osborne bit off the head of a rat! Were you in the crowd that witnessed the JFK assassination? Were you one of the first to see Elvis Presley on tour? Do you know Tom Cruise and converted him to Scientology before you became a born again Christian?
With a little imagination, you can work wonders with your life.