The two just met. Both are nervous and liking the other. For this short piece, we will use 2 cisgendered or straight folks. Thus, we have a female and a male. The relation develops into sex.
At first, it is so easy. They pair bond and continuously remain close to each other. Then those feeling begin to fade. This is usually the female who loses the loving feeling. What is going on? She may have lied to get married or she simply truly changes her mind.
From her side, she does more work; the kids get more attention from mom. Whether, he or she stays at home or both work she loses her interest in sex. He sees this and gets porn or goes out on her. She begins to fake her feelings toward sex, but she can’t keep up.
Psycho biologically, her drive naturally goes down. Sociologically, a “good” girl does not like sex. Part of feminity is virture.The double standard kicks in and she becomes frustrated. They may try other strategies, but most encourage greater isolation. She tries avoidance and he feels that he should divorce because she lied.
She still likes sex, but a lot of it is not in the cards. So, the usual is divorce. Some have a mistress move in, or they trade partners with another couple across the city. They try counseling. She may be forced to have sex. Life is lousy. The kids know that marriage with kids appears to be a bad move. There appear so many divorces.
So let’s try something. If the female wants sex, she says so and the male tries to be ready. If not she looks at female porn which has a lot of incest in the story or girl-to-girl relations, she masturbates and heads to bed.
What can he do? He asks her and she says no. However, he automatically goes to bed without any clothes. She is still disinterested, but she puts her arm around him, places her other hand under his penis and on the scrotum. It takes about 5 minutes and he is done. He also gets a nice hug. She goes to the bathroom and washes her hands and heads for the night talk show. Both move on together.