miller-baker pink/REPLAY
Hold on! The origin of the pink in Iowa’s opponent locker room has some merit in fact. No one should be taken to court. The pink is called Miller-Baker pink and its origins go back to the U.S Navy in the early 60′ s and historically stretches to the 70’s. It has to do with a calming effect on prisoners in drunk tanks. It was a serendipitous (surprise) finding and has been used up to today.
If you look at the color which is presented in “Baker-Miller Pink” in Wikipedia, watch it for 15 to 30 seconds. Most will find that they become relaxed. I did an anecdotal study (non-scientific) with each of my 30 students in my criminology class and soon I could see the change in my student’s non-verbal or body language. Some started to slur their words. Each had a 3×5 card with the specific paint color. They stared at the card and then we discussed it. They did not know what the cards was related to.
It doesn’t always work but even if it has a placebo effect, it is worth keeping the paint. Gays, Bi’s and Trans could spend their money elsewhere. In other words, you can be for the pink paint and support equality for alternative sexually oriented Americans. Prof. Joel Snell
Emeritus, Kirkwood College