Colin Powell who is a Republican and yet has worked in administrations of both parties
endorsed Sen. Obama of Illinois on MEET THE PRESS with Tom Brokaw. He indicated that he had a warm association with Sen. McCain the presidential candidate for the Republican Party. However, Powell indicated that there were at least 3 reasons that he chose Obama. First, McCain was erratic during the stock market crash and had a new plan almost every day. On the other hand Obama encouraged calm and did not intervene in the process until asked.
Second, McCain chose Governor Sarah Palin. He believes that she is distinguished but not ready for the presidency if Senator McCain should be seriously be
ill or should pass. Third, McCain has spent too much time dealing with Bill Ayers a revolutionary of the 60’s. Obama only had a limited relationship with him.
Powell took the first half hour from MEET THE PRESS (10/18/2008.) Brokaw asked if he chose Powell on the basis that both Powell and Obama are Black. Powell said no and that he thought that Obama learned quickly and a tape was shown last February when Powell said that he would not let the importance of race be a deciding factor in the Presidential run.
Powell was Secretary of State and also the head of the Joint Chief of Staff for the Armed Services.
BUSINESS WEEK (2008) 10/27
BUSINESS WEEK has gone on record endorsing nationalizing portions of the business sector and the financial sector for the country’s economy. The government has more money than most of industries and would be a silent partner in the business world. However, there would be stricter regulations and the government may not approve of all business plans. So, for the short haul, the USA would become a social democratic capitalist country. We are now a libertarian capital country or a democratic capitalist country. Social democratic capitalism and social democratic socialism is one of degree.
Generally, social democrats want to create a middle class society through income policies and provide workfare safety net. The major means of production like factories and farms and other productive property are held by private individuals. Thus, the working engine that is the part of an efficient productive system is the capitalist portion. The support system surrounding the capitalist sector is socialist and government becomes the employer of the last resort.
Further this form of capitalism and socialism or mixed economies is based on a stock market, free speech, a congress or parliament. The United States is the most unequal country among democracies and this new system rebuilds the middle class. Further, if the country through its electorate and representatives wants to de-nationalize the economic and business sector it can when times are better.
Most of our allies that are democracies are social democratic. We experience some of this during FDR’s New Deal. The USA has partially crumbled so it appears that the American model may not be as envied as it once was in the past. Please recall that this is
conservatives who are suggesting this change.
For the USA to get back on track it should invest in a Keynesian fashion into energy, education, and infastructure that more quickly ignites economic growth. Outsourcing is killing internal consumption that usually buys two-thirds of all products and services. Additionally the energy to outsource and then have products come in duty free
has caused many Americans to over borrow to retain their life style of the past.
“American companies must focus on creating innovative goods and services that can be
produced in the U.S. and shipped abroad.
TIME (2008) 10/27
GLOBAL 2/ 58.
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ranks countries based on their “global competitiveness” which is not explained. However, relative to the conversation just above on social democratic capitalism out of 130 companies In the top 10, 6 out of 10 are social democracies. The others are purer forms of capitalism.
THE WEEK (2008) 10/24
Fear leads to magical thinking. When people feel continuous fear they start talking about luck and doing rituals.
New fetal risk free test can make discovering mental retard ness and three other infant problems more likely to be valid. This may lead to increased abortions.
The smell of rose if it is consistent and noticeable is likely to increase food intake as well as discretion about food.
Drivers of both sexes like cars that have a mean face on the front of the car.
Sudden Infant Syndrome can be reduced by having a fan in the room.
Other than cats and dogs, most other animals can infect kids under 6 years old with salmonella poisioning.
NEWSWEEK (2008) 10/20
Werth (E-4) ARTIST HACKERS are new. They hack into companies that spy on people. They are able to both record and monitor what the spy people are watching. They then can make their own videos. Spy cameras are mostly in the U.K. However, they are growing everywhere. Unfortunately, they have not reduced crime, but have made it more likely that if a crime is committed that it is more easily to convict the offender.