Robins, Sandy (2004) How to handle a “jealous” pet 7/31, p. 1-7
Wilson came into our life about 4 years ago. We already had 2 cats and they didn’t like him. The dominant female initially lost her power, but continually bugged him at times into submission. The second female headed for the safety of the basement.
Wilson is a Jack Russell Terrier and is named after Brian Wilson of the Beach boys. Our last dog, Maxwell lived with us for 14 years and one night died at the top of the stairs. We were asleep. The dog was old and very loving. He was great with the cats and they both mourned his loss. Maxwell was named after a Beatle song. He used to lick the heads of the cats and the dominant female ran the show. Maxwell could not see or hear or bark.
When Wilson arrived all hell broke loose.
In family systems theory, a change in the family triggers changes to various degrees in all others. We spend roughly 18 months watching Wilson urinate on everything, chew up a couch, destroy drapes, and rip wallpaper off the walls. We have had neighbors call complaining that his barking will drive them to call the police. Yet, at Christmas, other neighbors stop by to give Wilson a treat or give us a picture of him.
Wilson is a phony. He is gracious to people and some animals. We have mallards walk the side walks and deer cross the street. He goes bananas. At the vets, he is totally gracious, empathetic, and understanding. Others in the waiting room comment on what a remarkable dog that we live with. Well, we do have a remarkable dog. It just depends on what you mean by remarkable.
When our dominant female cat was killed in a car accident, the other cat and Wilson formed a bond. They stand nose to nose with the raccoons that are on the back deck. However, Wilson is # 1. At night, he sleeps between us. On any one day, he receives hundreds or hugs and treats. He likes to follow us around and sneak a hug. He clearly knows how to beg.
Robin’s article is about how pets or animal companions are really like little kids. Now, please read this carefully. Like little kids is not the same as little kids. We can enjoy them and socialize many but not all can be a member of the family. For some individual dog of individual breeds, we can encourage and socialize them to fight and destroy other dogs for the amusement of humans.
Both genetics and environment count. There are now pet therapists, pet anti-depressants, and a new appreciation for vets and vet assistants. Humans appear to spend more of their lifetime with a pet or animal companion, than there with a human mate.
If both you and your soon to be spouse have pets, there are now services that will analyze if the pets are compatible, because they become part of the family. That and other services along with pending litigation appear to support that animals that are domesticated have rights too. The world keeps changing. Animals have been with us for a long, long time. The more we get to know about them may suggest something about ourselves. That is a virtue for both us humans and animals. Have you heard of pet therapy?
That is therapy for humans not animals. Go figure. /
(Wilson mellowed and lived with us for 16 years. Before he died, we added two new cats. Both wanted to lay with Wilson. After he passed, 5 weeks later Benson Bradford came into our home and in a few months, everyone gets along. We have Wilson ashes.)