There is a legend of a little girl and boy are watching standard pornography. After it is over, the girl is crying and the little boy has an erection. A Syracuse study of married 18 to 35 year old women indicate that they don’t like sex.
What is going on here. The females fakes or likes sex at first, but there is an act of aggression on the part of the male that turns her off. He is getting and she is giving. Further, as time goes on her drive fades..So now what is she going to do? Fake it? Divorce? What?
In the porn, the female is clean and hygienic. The guy needed to take a bath a month ago. However, it goes further than that. How come most of the time, she is doing most of the giving and he is… Well she has sperm on her face.
So, one way to save the marriage is to use a vibrator on the male. He wants sex often and she does not although she likes him. So when he wants sex, she comes into watch as he masturbates into a vibrating machine.
He then gets a hug. She goes and washes her hands, and he cleans the vibrator, takes a shower and tells that he really loves her.