The “outside” variables such as life history, sociology, and related can become connected to the “inside” variables particularly in the voluntary and involuntary parts of the brain. This article does not try to create a biological determinism of people especially those who are female and people of color. This author wants to begin to build bridges between the “outside” and the “inside” Biological determinism used science to justify white supremacy, social class, and natural order. Rather this article is taking the path of two major areas that contribute to the social order. This started in the early 1990’s. We have so far to go.
In the early days of the 1990’s, social neuroscience emerged when three disciplines had enough supporters to reduce boundaries of sociology, psychology-psychiatry, and neurobiology. Of course each will continue on its own path. Each field must have its own autonomy to survive.
As an example, sociology is often wrongly supplemented by the term “group psychology.” Previously, a wing of psychology and the field of sociology promoted that within human behavior the brain was a blank slate. All of these concepts are now considered not valid.
All three fields will be honored together, but exist independently. Social neuroscience is the study of humans at three different dimensions and levels. Thus the words the “social brain” and the “social mind” can be used after decades upon decades have been kept apart. Humans are usually social creature’s not social isolationists or extreme individualists (non-socials). Numerous examples in various fields will be presented. Why this is the case is that the field is so new that showing a connection between nature and nurture is the key importance. Thus the reader will find discussions of many topics. The underlying emphasis is how the life history variables connect to brain both the voluntary and involuntary systems. This is not a ploy to introduce biological determinism. The author knows that academic battle and does not want history to repeat itself relative to the biology, sociology, psychology, and psychiatry.
The official definition is an interdisciplinary field devoted to understanding how biological systems implement social processes (sociology/social psychology) and behavior (sociology/social psychology/psychology/ psychiatry), Their contribution is the biological concepts (neurobiology) may inform and refine the theories of social processes and behavior. This includes serotonin (happy feelings) dopamine (intensified energy) norerephrine (alertness) epinephrine (stimulant.) plus many other neuron biochemical Schutt (2015)
Two major contributors of this field are Steven Pinkerton and a later generation contributor, John Hibbing. Pinkerton introduced the studies of human behavior as nature and nurture. In his Blank Slate (2002), became a best seller using numerous strategies. Now many accept comparing fraternal twins and identical twins all rose apart. Greater variances were discovered with fraternal twins. Pinker is considered one of the foremost thinkers of the 20th and early 21st century. However, his work does not support the biological determinism of women and people of color.
Hibbing has reached even further. He has discovered a small but important variance in brain structure as well as reaction to lab test based on various stimuli as measured by brain scans.
Hibbing is Regents Professor at Nebraska University, Fellow America Association of Science, Guggenheim Scholar, Premier Professor of Research (Denmark) Fellow, Sage Center of Study of the Mind, The Feno Prize, and 9 National Foundation Grants; He is a NATO Fellow in Science, Senior Fulbright Fellow and visiting Professor at Rutgers, Rice, Essex and Oakland. Six books and hundreds of papers, presentations, journal articles and related appear to be his accomplishments.
One of his studies included the following. As an example, with the use of an eye tracker, brain imaging, and fMRI, individuals look through the tracker for exactly 4 seconds at a terrible ugly picture of a human that is slaughtered. The brain scans image is then compared each with a response in one study of the Anterior Cingulated Cortex (ACC) and results from Somatosensory, 2, (S2). Both are located in the cerebral cortex. The ACC is more likely that a Conservative will register “surprise” and “alertness” and “anger” to the disgusting stimuli. Again, with this information of the individual scan, Conservatives had a more prominent indicator with ACC. Liberals registered a more prominent (S2). This would signify more “empathy.” All the information above is not known to the subject or researchers about one’s ideology beforehand. However, after the scan they are labeled by the researchers, but it is not known by the subject. Further, each individual fills out a life history of demographics and political sciences scales. The last is the individual indicates their ideology. Thus, they are not sure what the study means to reduce bias. The involuntary system and its brain response are not known to the subject. He and his fellow researchers found a significant correlation between scan and the ideology.
His discovery is that conservatives are more likely to have higher negative emotional reactions to threats than liberals. Liberals are more empathetic. In a personal interview with him, Hibbing is guarded in his statements. Various measured viewpoints of the two groups are also surrounded by caveats. Thus, a finding roughly finds as an example 60-40 split in this nature-nurture area is a balanced refrain. In terms of the group, this author sees the genius of the two. Conservatives first take on the protective and instrumental role as Liberals look to expressive power, and diplomacy. We need each other. Ahn, et. al( 2014)
His latest book with Smith and Alford is Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences. (2014)Hibbing has roughly hundreds of other articles and books in the social and print media. The author’s interview was encouraging in the sense that he is not doctrinaire and indicates that his findings is still a part of the larger human condition.
Primitive Terms
For the field of social neuroscience, the three areas are the following. Sociology is the study of two or more humans interacting. They take the role of what other people think of them in terms of social position. The interaction then moves out and drifts to the larger society. Through conflict, meaning, and equilibrium, social movement leaders construct reality or meta- narratives. Society is a group of people who share geography and culture (beliefs and values.) Schutt et. al (2015)
Psychology is the study of the mind (what the individual thinks other people think of them beyond social position.) It is also the behavior the individual acts in social groups. Psychiatry shares similar territory with psychology, but also includes bio-chemicals or drugs, along with some other technology like electro-shock. Psychiatry is a medical field. The DSM is important to the field. Schutt, et. al (2015)
The brain and spinal cord are the center of humans and are very active. It has various components that act continuously (involuntary system) that is usually in the cerebellum. One activity is breathing. Acting and making decisions belongs with the cerebral cortex. This is the field of neurobiology. It is the biology of the nervous system (Schutt et. al 2015)
All the above is subject to debate and interpretation. The author tried to state the above as simply as possible. Ordinary social neuroscience is explained in more difficult verbiage with words indicating that the reader is well versed in the field. The author’s desire is to bring this relationship more clearly and fully to non-social biologists.
The Fields
The authors’ first attempt to bring nature and nurture was “Biochemical Sociology” Psychology and Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal 3, 1, 2003
What Dr. Marsh and I attempted to do was bring the three areas together. We used the term “aggression” with the most general and parsimonious definition of “untoward behavior.” We identified 13 biochemicals. For psychiatry and psychology, we unearthed 3 major components and the DSM diagnosis. For sociology, we found 18 demographics and/or interactions. We also operationalized as aggression with crime. Although, they are not the same, they can be similar. However we discovered 15 variables. Neurobiology was generally described. Special emphasis was placed on serotonin (sense of well being) dopamine (increased energy) norerprimine (alertness) and epinephrine (stimulant.)
To introduce the field in terms of measurement, Snell, J. and Marsh Mitchell (2008) “Measures of Biochemical Sociology) Journal of Instructional Psychology, 35, 3 we described “Daily Stress inventory” (Weiss and Lindquist). This would be sociological. One question is “fired at work.” For psychology and psychiatry” feelings of guilt” Hamilton- D measurement was discussed. The neurobiological aspect can be general indicators of depression including irregularities of sleep, activity, psychosomatic pain and related.
Importantly, the authors are trying to connect written or oral reports that have been placed in a nominal number analysis to some biological component such as blood, saliva, urine, heartbeat, perspiration, breathing, and related. The more studies improve upon measurement, the possibility of helping an individual in terms of their health and related. Further, preventive procedures can be introduced.
Unfortunately, many categories like depression do not have a number based chemical component. There may be incomplete measures, and not comprehensive ones. Categories differ by nominal description. All of this is for the future, but ideally a blood, saliva, urine, skin response and related may be measured to assess if one person has a more dramatic increase in depression than another by chemicals. However, in our original study of Biochemical Sociology we did not know the level of many chemicals and how they are related to say aggression.
Testosterone is one of the major chemicals correlated to aggression, but there are so many more. We discovered at least 13 other chemicals in the literature. Some other tests correlated with depression include the amino acid test, hormone imbalance test, fatty acid analysis, adrenal stress hormone test, and thyroid test.
Retuning to Hibbing, imagine a purposive sample, using future technology both therapy and technology may be created to help an individual. Environment should be a major part of this process. The life history of an individual patient can be arranged that the environment and the medications are necessary. Further, Hibbing’s work helps us begin a new trajectory of both nature and nurture. Conservatives in a Liberal family may be more moderate than raised in Right of Center home. Further, one knows of individuals who rebel in one direction or another from their socialization.
So what? In a study, we can put together a comprehensive work up from all levels of a person’s reactions in a group setting. Again, social neuroscience may be a competent strategy to help uncover the basis of our brain, mind, and society, and how they work together.
It would appear in the last paragraphs, all 3 divisions were involved. This is neuroscience or a wing of it. Hopefully, biochemical measures can be incorporated in the field. The chemical measures lean toward ordinality and would be helpful in various demographic and identity categories. Thus, biological measures are tied in a holistic way to social and psychological measures. The picture becomes more complete.
Prof. Joel Snell (Ret)
Kirkwood College
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
References Cited
Ahn (2014: 11/17) Nonpolitical Images Evoke Neural Predictions of Political Ideology, Current Biology,
Hibbing, J. Smith K. and Alford, J (2014) Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences. New York: Rout ledge,
Pinker, S. (2002) the Blank Slate, the Modern Denial Human Nature, New York: Penguin Books,
Schutt, R. K., Seidman, L.J. Keshavan, M. (2015) Social Neuroscience: Brain, Mind, and Society Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Press, 436 pages
Snell, J. and Marsh, Mitchell (2003) “Biochemical Sociology” Psychology and Education, An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 40, #1.
Snell, J. and Marsh Mitchell (2008) “Measures of Biochemical Sociology” Journal of Instructional Psychology, 35, 3
Black Swans, exotics, and deconstructed statistics will both sully the relationships of the 3 areas and yet strengthen them in long run.