From 1962 to 1965, they produced 8 original albums, two compilations, and a concert album. The big money makers and compilations placed them at the top of Rock pyramid. At the end of 1965, most historians perceive the 60’s began in 1965. The band would stumble but tour constantly in smaller venues. There would be more hits over longer period of time. The songs listed here are not in order.
Please recall the choices are not hits and they may not make it into a compilation. However, they are usually very good. The consumer was part of the SILENT GENERATION. Then the BOOMERS took over relative to the Vietnam war and civil rights. The Beach Boys became hated..Resurrection came when Americans crave nostalgia and made” American Graffitti”(movie.) a big hit. EMI-Capitol released ENLESS SUMMER. That was followed by SPIRIT OF AMERICA and FIFTEEN BIG ONES. The Beach Boys were back.
This does not go beyond the golden years 62-65. Good Vibrations had yet to be Born.