The author wants to combine systems theory with a number of other theories that make a synergistic whole that can help to explain human societies.
The combination may make the field more complete and at least tries to assemble portions that may improve it. This is theory and it is not hard or advance science. Rather, it is “soft” or theory for the behavioral methodologies. What it lacks is enough connections that have ratio number measures.
It is the study of society as a complex arrangement of elements or groups, including individuals and their beliefs, as they relate to a whole (e.g., a country). The study of society as a social system has a long history in the social sciences. The conceptual origins of the approach are generally traced to the 19th century, particularly in the work of English sociologist and philosopher Herbert Spencer French social scientist Émile Durkheim and Karl Marx.
Systems theory
In past modern times, one of the founders for sociology and behavioral methodologies is Talcott Parson. For a society to survive, the group or the wider society must complete four prequestics to compete with other societies. Further internal portions follow the same course and may compete or work together so that the society can survive. They are GOAL ATTAINMENT a society is greater than the sum of the parts in many instances needs most of the parts to complete making of a product or service. GOAL ADAPTATION, a society must make changes periodically to survive or out compete another country. This also applies to the interconnections of global societies. INTEGRATION, most of the parts must have some knowledge of the existence and abilities of other parts. TENSION MANAGEMENT There needs to be some form of social control.
Although the 4 have clean, hygienic terms there is a great deal of blood, sweat and tears for a society to function. There is war and job disruption, a sense of normlessness during rapid change. It is the human condition and years ago Dennis Wrong critized the theory with his article, “the over socialized conception of man.”
Sociology has three main fields. They are Functionalism which is essentially is SYSTEMS theory followed by Conflict
theory and last Symbolic Interaction. TENSION MANAGEMENT can neatly absorb both Marx (class struggle) on the Left and Pareto on the Right. So there is an acceptable and useful subset. Today, Marx is used academically and as a revisionist component to democratic societies. Pareto is the father of fascism and is blossoming as this is written. His “ circulation of the elites” suggests and analysizes how the top of society can continue to survive and rule over the masses.
The reader is encouraged to search for COMPLEXITY THEORIES.