_____________, (2004) “Woodstock Lingers 35 Years Later” MSN.COM, 8/13/ 2004.
On August 15-17, 1969, the Woodstock Concert began with Sweetwater who later would have their one and only album chart one month later. They were followed by Ritchie Havens who was the official opening act for the Woodstock concert. Later, they would listen to Jimi Hendrix and The Who.
Although there were crowds up to 400,000, there was little or no violence or rape. This rain drenched affair for some indicated as proof that the peace & hippie movement was peaceful. Perhaps it was, but it was an accident of history. Most of us heard about it, saw the movie and bought the album. It took on a life unto itself. Later concerts needed to be handled with a lot of security. The last Woodstock held in 99’ ended in violence, arson, and riots. Even a late 60’s free concert by the ROLLING STONES ended in a killing.
The majority of the folks those rainy days in August of 69’ were probably middle class. It was the first big national concert and most was on their best behavior. It is quite possible that there was an unintended selection of peaceful people, but most concerts now require a great deal of security.
However, if it was accidental, that makes it even more special and it has captured the culture ever since.
Today, there is a land mark where the concert was held. It is 50 miles near Bethel, New York and thousand each year make their pilgrimage to the spot where it all began. It was also the beginning of the end of the Left in the United States. It became known world wide. Today, many there are members of AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PEOPLE. They will soon qualify for Social Security and Medicare.
The ones who assuredly were not there now dominate the boardrooms of major corporations. During the 60’s they were in business schools and related. They got their revenge from about 72’ to today. Boomers became one of the most hated generations of their time. The silent generation and Gen X.s have joined to put down the Baby boomers in this generational struggle.
Not much was mentioned in the news as this is being written. It was another time and place. It was built on an unworkable form of egalitarianism. The most important part was the sense the feeling that the movement would work. It did not. However, you can still buy the CD of the concert. For those who live on from those days, the dropped out in their own way. Some came to feel that they were of America, but not part of America.
If anything, they look to Canada, a relatively peaceful and more egalitarian than the USA.
So, in their own, they learned that one needs to love America or leave. Most have learned to be here in the states physically but not emotionally.